Oct 17, 2008

New Toys and Brazil

Club Penguin has added a new language so that more people can play on club Penguin. The languages are English and Portuguese. Also, if you switch from English to Portuguese your penguins name will not show up. It'll say Penguin with numbers after it instead.

In a little over a week the new toys will be out at Toys R Us. When you buy a toy a coin will be attached to it. These coins are very special. Each coin is different so you can collect them and on one side of the coin there is a special code that can unlock special/rare items on your penguins account. When you enter the code you will receive a special book. This book will give you access to some favorite items, items that haven't been around for long and even some exclusive awesome items on Club Penguin. (SWEET!) All penguins can participate in buying coins and using the codes, even non-members.

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