Aug 7, 2008


Do you want to be a tour guide? If so than go to the Ski Village and click on the tour booth. It will ask you to take a quiz. (don't worry the quiz isn't hard at all) If you pass the quiz than your penguin will be given a tour guide hat that it can wear. Your penguin can than give new penguins tours. (your penguin must be at least 45 days old before it can become a tour guide)

The answerer's to the quiz are: (questions may not be in this order)
1.) How many coins does it cost to buy a background: 60 coins
2.) Which color puffle can catch on fire: Black Puffle
3.) Which game has a shark in it: Jet pack Adventure
4.) In what room can you find old copies of the penguin times: Boiler Room
5.) which of these room don't have music playing in the background: Pet Shop
6.) What is the name of the big fish in the game Ice Fishing: Mullet
7.) What item is thrown out of the truck in level four Beam Counters: Flower Pot
8.) When does the newspaper come out: Thursday
9.) What is the name of Captain Rock hoppers ship: The Migrator
10.) How does the pink puffle play: skips with a jump rope
11.) What item is always hidden in different places of the catalog each month: Viking Helmet
12.) How many sled racing tracks are there: 4
13.) Which room has a cooku clock: Ski Lodge
14.) Which of these rooms does not have a game in it: The Beach
15.) How do you get a pin: walk on top of it and than click on it

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