Aug 3, 2008


Puffles are small, furry creatures with big personalities. They're fun to take care of and make great pets for penguins. There are seven types of puffles - each color has a different personality. Some puffles are outgoing and adventurous, while others are more cautious and quiet.

Puffles are happy and healthy when they're given good care. They love to play, eat, sleep, bathe and walk. It is every pet owner's job to care for their puffles in each of these ways - choose the icons on the player card to do this. Click the puffle to view the player card and to see how healthy it is. If its health goes down to low it will run away to the wild.

Puffles run away when they are not cared for. For every hour you spend on Club Penguin, be sure to check in on them at least once. When you log off Club Penguin, your puffles will not get tired or hungry - they will be waiting for you the next time you log on.
Members can adopt up to 14 puffles and non-members can adopt any two
red or blue

All pics and info for this post came from the site


  1. i think it was interesting i did not now you can adopt that many puffles im going to get a red on e now thanks fo your help

  2. i lost my puffles im looking for a cheat to get them back!:(
