CP 3rd Year Anniversary Spectacular
Club Penguins 3rd anniversary party starts next week! This year Club Penguin is having something special planned. Not only is CP's 3rd anniversary going to be celebrated, that's also the day that the new Club Penguin toys come out. On October 24th people can celebrate CP's anniversary online, at Times Square in New York, and on T.V. - Between 3 P.M. and 6 P.M. Eastern Standard Time you can watch a live broadcast fom New York and party online. There will also be a one in a lifetime oppurtunity to attend the event in New York. Space is limited though, so only a few can go. ( details on trip are coming soon) For more information on this years Club Penguin Anniversary go to this site: http://www.clubpenguin.com/celebrate/ The CP 3rd anniversary party is being extended two more days. It will be going the whole weekend. Plus more rooms will be decorated and the New Yearbook is coming out.
wheres the videos?