Oct 13, 2008

New Background

There is a new background located in the costume catalog at the Stage. Non-members and members can buy it.

Also, if you go to the book room make sure to get the hidden pin. It is located on the last page of " The Journal of Captain Rock Hopper."

Another hidden item located in the book room is the friendship bracelet. It is located on the last page of the book: "Rock Hopper and the Stowaway."


  1. nice site

  2. Hi. Im pochoma123. I am having a free membership contest and was wondering if you could join and tell as many people as you can. That would be really apprecitated. just go to http://pochoma123cpcheats.wordpress.com! Thanks.

  3. vist www.clubpenguinnewsteam.blogspot.com please.
    Its an amazing site with loads of cool stuff!

  4. Its fine! Just enter the contest, you could win!
