Oct 11, 2008

Club Penguin News

More toys have been revealed. There are going to be two inch penguins. They will have interchangeable body parts. ( head, body, feet)

Also if you go to the top of the lighthouse and look through the microscope you'll see Rock Hoppers Ship. He's Coming Soon!

Club Penguins 3rd anniversary party is coming up! It will begin on October 24 ( the same day the new toys arrive) and will end on October 26. Many rooms in Club Penguin will be decorated and the new Yearbook will be released. The yearbook is going to have a lot of awesome pictures from last year. Here is a sneak peak of some pictures that will appear in the yearbook.

Here are some sketches from the new mission. For help on completing the mission check out the mission 9 guide located under pages on the side of this site.


  1. nooe dibsy there hasnt been any news about mission 10 sorry......

  2. NICE SITE! Keep up the good work! :D

  3. hey everyone how do u like the sites new look? 1 being change back to old design and 5 being dont change it i love the new design

  4. Hello,

    Thanks for commenting on my site.
    Yes, sure you can go on my blogroll if I can go on yours. For you blogroll, my site is http://15angel7.wordpress.com
    Sure, I'll give you some tips and stuff, do you have an email? It might be easier to tell you that way.

    Please reply on my site.

  5. Hi, to enter for blog of the month (not week) u must enter the contest that u will be able to enter. The next blog contest will be a long time away. sorry.

  6. Hi! It's Mr M just saying if you go on my site regularly I'll be gald to add you to my blogroll! :)

  7. Hey,
    Cool blog!
    :) Ill tell some pplz about it.
    Ok cya..


  8. you have been on my blogroll for almost a month and i remember you sent a comment like this a long time ago. Also i'm not in your blogroll, when you supposedly said that u put me on, a long time ago. I am deleting you off my blogroll due to link termination

  9. Hey there! Visit my site! this site is awesome and has cool posts! Keep up the good work!


  10. Hey, Thanks for commenting on my blog ^^!
    Sure you can be on my blogroll, but you have to add me on yours (:

  11. Hi my pengs name is Icynemo! I wanted to tell you that your site is cool! it looks a lot better than mine! plz take a look at mine! www.icynemocheats.wordpress.com

    Icy melts away!

  12. Oh yeah, what do you want your name on my blogroll to be?

  13. world wide u click file print microsoft office image write to take picture you want

  14. Hello!This is Cheatsike replying to your commment on our site http://cheatsike.blogspot.com .You can be on our blogroll if you put us on yours.We have already put your on ours.Do you need help on your site or would you like us to email you every time we post something new?Tell us and reply on Cheatsike.

  15. HEY again,
    I got a few people to have a look at your site.Maybe you could do the same to ours??And also maybe become a follower?
