Sep 6, 2008

Wet Suit Penguin

This post doesn't have anything to do about the site club penguin but this post does have something to do about the animal called the penguin.
Pierre an African 25 year old penguin was going bald. Every time he would swim in the water more and more of his feathers would fall out. The poor thing was found almost dead from being so cold without his feathers to protect him. Scientists tried many expiriments to help the penguin but nothing would work until finally they had an idea. This idea might seem funny to you but really it did help. The scientists decided to create a wetsuit for Pierre to wear. Every time Pierre went into the water his feathers were protected by the wetsuit. Eventually all of his feathers that he had lost grew back. For more information on Pierre the penguin click on the link:


  1. hey, I saw ur comment. Ur blog spears on my blogroll as dogsrcuties' cheats

  2. I can't add you to my blogroll because your a blogspot user

  3. dear dogsrcuties,

    I got your comment, on my blog and LOVE your site. Its cool. If I add you to my blogroll, please add mine to yours.



  4. okay sounds good ill add u since u added me

  5. Heyy!

    Stickers303 here ;)

    Great site you got happening here good job!


  6. I saw you commnet on my site.Thank you for the comliment.

    But I can't add you to my blogroll because you don't have mine on yours.

    Please when you add my site(
    to your blogroll post a comment in my site and I will add you.

  7. I already added you to my site. Visit my site at
    Thanks for all!

  8. If you add us to your blogroll, we will add you to ours.

    By the way, make sure you tell us so we will know. Our site is

  9. ney this is clubpenguinsoup!

    sure well add u to our blogroll!
    but only if u add us to urs!

    site name:
