Sep 7, 2008

Construction at the Stage

Right now the club penguin stage is under construction. That means no props, costumes, or scripts. Coming September 12th though, the stage will be finished.
What do you think the stage theme will be? Send me a comment with your guess.


  1. hey your blog is also cool, i like it, heyt thanks, just help to improve my page by telling everyone!a nd thanks you so much,happy day buddie!

  2. Hi thnx for the comment ur blog is awesome! I'll add you to blogroll

  3. You have sent me a blogroll sign up form, but I went to check your site, you did not add me to your blogroll. Add me first, then leave me a comment when you have done that.

  4. Hi I am Benzbe you commented my site earlier(! Thanks I will surely add you to my blogroll! Your site is cool too!

  5. already added u in my blogroll:)
    cool blog. add me in ur blogroll too

  6. I added your blog to my blogroll! will u add mine to yours?

  7. hi this is lime cheats

    dogsrcutites asked if i can put this site on my blogroll

    i would LOVE to but as my blogroll but as our blogroll requrments state lime club penguin cheats has to be on this sites blogroll

    PS> cool site though

  8. Hey cool site.I like it I might add it to my blogrool but first add me to yours plzz.Thnx.

  9. Hi i added your site to my blog roll please can you add me on your blog roll.

  10. hey, it's me alighf. Well, my original site is not sorcererseans one. I added u in my blogroll and look today for quikee parties... Almost 7000 hits...

  11. Hey its kcaj497. Thanks for checking out my site. could I be on your blogroll? U Rock!

  12. :s hey thx for making a whole bunch of comments about blogrolls, on a post about me quitting cp!

    /super secret shady spy ninja\

  13. Hey it's Small Fry 23
    yes i love cp but i don't have much on my blog, because my sister has a CP blog you can see hers at
    i love your site!!!
    Small Fry 23
    P.S. i am mainly a Webkinz site!!

  14. I added you now add me plz. If you don't I will delete you from my blogroll ok?
