Nov 13, 2008


Hello readers of this blog!! I wanted to know if you wanted the website to change at all. I'd love to here what you'd like to see in the future. Do you want to see more tips and secrets? More funny pictures? Featured Penguins? Better detailed posts? Surprises? Vote now on the new poll located on the side of this blog.

1 comment:

  1. :D

    Anything would be great! Your blog is nice, but there's always room for improvement!

    Funny pictures brighten everyone's day, especially when the cp news is boring or if nothing interesting is happening-no free stuff, no cheats, out of codes?-get some funny pictures 'til something nice comes in.

    Of course, tips and secrets are necessary. That's the title of the blog. Any new glitches-small or big-would be great. Post about it whenever necessary.

    Surprises, surprises, surprises! I don't know what you mean by those, but we all love 'em, along with those featured penguins! Contests, too!

    Anyways, care to follow my blog? (the utmost?) 'Cause I've been following yours. ^^
