Oct 19, 2008


This is the first ever Club Penguin Tips and Secrets Contest! To win you have to be the 35th person to comment on this post. The winner penguin will be a penguin named Racheal01. She is currently not a member, but was a member once. She has about 1104 coins . She has 100/100 buddies and is friends with my penguin, Ranebows. She is a really cool penguin and has been around for a while. The more people that donate penguins, the more contests this site will have. Check back everyday to see if you are the winner.


  • No swearing
  • No advertising
  • No using numbers in your comment
  • No saying the same thing more than once
  • No being rude
  • Have Fun!


  1. Looks like a cool penguin i hope i win the contest

  2. im going to be the one hundreth person to comment!! i just know it!!!


  3. i want that penguin!

  4. Hi im from cpcheatscpcheats i hope i win this contest so that i can use the penguin for one of my own contests!!!

  5. thats a sweet looking penguin i love it's shirt and it use to be a member so it probably has allot of awsome cp member clothes and a sweet lookin iglooo!

  6. hi dogrcuties,
    its zeb from www.skipperjay.wordpress.com here. nice blog youve got! wigs and i did try blogspot once, but we found wordpress had more opportunities and more settings. you should try it out one day! i've had a look at your blog and i think it'd be a great blog to have on our blogroll!

    - zeb

    PS, we'd love it if you could return the favour and add us to your blogroll!

  7. hi dogrcuties,
    its zeb from www.skipperjay.wordpress.com here. nice blog youve got! wigs and i did try blogspot once, but we found wordpress had more opportunities and more settings. i've had a look at your blog and i think it'd be a great blog to have on our blogroll!

    - zeb

    PS, we'd love it if you could return the favour and add us to your blogroll!

    oops, have i sent this twice? im not sure...

  8. do da bird dance WHAT UP!

  9. 12 almost have way there

  10. o man this will take 16 comments pew

  11. cool site but please stop advertising at my site when it isnt under the advertise page , that can get to be very annoying also great contest!

  12. Woah I Hope I Win...It's Me Piplup U!

  13. Woah it's really difficult to comment here.... i don't think i can be the 35th person to comment :(

  14. Hey, I will advertise your site on my site if you advertise my site on your site. Leave a comment back telling your answer. Thank-You!

    blubber955 ( 11 years old )

  15. Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Hope I win! I never won anything before.

  17. I think i will be entering the contest, I guess :|

  18. Just a suggestion, I think you should have a wordpress for contest, Because it's hard for those penguins who dont have a blogger account, Though i have wordpress though...

  19. Wait, I will go register so i can speed this baby up :)

  20. Im watching megaman NT warriors right now, Try to watch it at youtube! :)

  21. woot! here comes megaman and roll! :)

  22. "dex is a gorilla while yai is a cat" Just cant stop watchin' men!

  23. Well, Thats all, Go tell me at my blog by clicking my name, You can also change the "blogspot" into "wordpress" because my real site is a wordpress one :)

  24. Nevermind, Just go to http://warbandit.wordpress.com because im suppose to have warbandit.blogspot.com but some crazy guy took it and didnt even do anything on the blog :x

  25. I already put you on my site, so please put me on your site.

  26. Dear dogrcuties,
    So you really changed it to 35th person to comment will win?

  27. I'm just having fun already myself at this contest

  28. Almost there at winning, I think!

  29. I can donate a penguin that is not a member to you dogrcutie, but I need your reply please.

  30. I already know what I'm doing with the penguin if I win this contest.

  31. Don't you think this contes is fun people!?

  32. commenting, commenting, commenting..

  33. This is a very great blog for sure!

  34. I think this is the 35th comment! Hope so because I really still want to win this cntest!

  35. I think I win,but I'll keep commenting in case.

  36. I can't think of anything to say right now, but I'll come back and keep commenting if the contest is not over yet. I will also come back to see who is the winner. Good bye to everyone for right now!

  37. I can only right now say that I'm nice and if you think I'm rude in one of the comment, it's because it's a kind way.

  38. I like to win contests, but I still care for everybody else that entered in the contest (if I win.)

  39. I think this site is having a problem on my computer, but I can still enter which is cool!

  40. I'm getting tried myself already!

  41. Cool! Does it have member clothes?

  42. Finally! A contest!
