Oct 24, 2008

The 3rd Anniversary Party is Here

The whole town is decorared for the party.

If you go into the coffee shop there will be a fan. Click on the red button. The fan will blow the top off of the anniversary cake showing hidden party hats.

Also in a box in the Coffee Shop are blue aprons.

The new pin is in the Dance Lounge.

Also, to see the new yearbook go to the Book Room.


  1. Hey dude this is cornchop5000. Sure I'll be glad to add you to my blogroll because im nice like that.(wink) But I also have a question. What do you use to get those clubpenguin pictures? I mean like what do you use to get those pictures. Is it some camera on the computer thats just takes takes the picture of your screen. Please leave a comment on my website telling me what you use. PLEASE! thanks ~cornchop5000

  2. Oh so thats how you do it. ok. I was just wondering how you get pictures. Love your site. see ya. ~cornchop5000

  3. Hi dogcrusties I think ur blog is awesome!!!!!!!

    My cp blog is

